Spirit Animals: guides and messengers….Do I have one?

Spirit Animals & Animal Communication

Spirit Animals

What animals fascinate you now? What animals were you drawn to as a child?

Spirit Animals introduction


Its my opinion that Spirit Animals or Animal Guides act as messengers, guides, teachers in the form of an animal.


Spirit Animals are found in many cultures with deep symbolism and sacred rituals for connecting.  I will share 4 ways you can connect with an animal or several animals to help you on your journey of life. You may have different animals at different stages of your life. 


There are no rules to having a Spirit Animal


Spirit Animals play different roles throughout your life.  You may have one or you may have many!  You can live anywhere, be any age, have any religious beliefs you wish, you can have any occupation, and connect with your Spirit Animal. 


How do you find or connect with your Spirit Animal or Animal Guide? 


Finding your Animal Guide is different for everyone, there is no set process.  Please note, you do not need to be in physical location to communicate with your Animal Spirit they transcend time and space.  For example, your Spirit Animal may be whale; yet you live in Arizona.   Or your Spirit Guide may be Cheetah and yet you have never traveled to Africa.


dark brown wild horse with its herd in an open green field

Here are 4 tips to help you connect or find your Spirit Animal:


1.    What Animal(s) are you naturally drawn to now?

There is no right or wrong answer, you may LOVE ladybugs for no apparent reason.  Ladybug may be your Spirit Animal.  Any animal, insect, reptile, amphibian, fish can hold magic and wisdom for you.


2.   What Animal(s) were you drawn to as a child?

Did you have a poster of a black jaguar in your bedroom as a child?  Did you have an imaginary animal only you could see, maybe it walked to school with you?  Did you have a favorite stuffed animal you slept with? Think back… it is interesting to remember what animals we were drawn to as children.


3.    Do any animals show up in your dreams at night or in daydreams?

Are you flying on an Eagles back like Frodo and Sam (LOTR reference. )  Do you daydream of riding wild horses?  What appears time after time?


4.    What animals are showing up in your life right now?

These can be real live animals but don’t have to be.  Do you keep seeing Otters on your Instagram feed, youtube, on TV or in a book at the book store or library.  Animals can show up via media, so again there are no rules to what animal may be your Spirit Animal.


Signs and signals from Spirit Animals


Spirit Animals like to communicate with us through symbolisms, images, articles or media for you to read, a song on the radio.  Everyone’s animal differs.  Be on the lookout for signs. when you receive a sign, say thank you!  Don’t be bummed out or frustrated with your perceived lack of signs. Anxiety, frustration, obsession over receiving signs/signals makes it harder to see, hear, feel, touch, taste the signs and signals!  Talk with your Animal Spirit like a friend, ask for crystal clear communication.  Be open to random thoughts or signals from them, make it fun!



Giraffe connecting with a human!

This may be the first meeting and forming a spirit animal bond that will transcend time and space for a lifetime!

In Conclusion


Enjoy your Spirit Animal, walk with them, talk with them, study the animal they are and learn that animals habits, diet, do they live alone or in a family unit, what do they represent to you?   There are many websites and books on the meaning of animals when they show up for you.  In my opinion, everyone is different so choose the author who resonates with you.  There are many meanings for each animal depending on who you ask, remember to trust your feelings or “gut” on what your Spirit Animal is telling you!!!!


Ready to experience the profound connection that animal communication can offer? As a dedicated pet psychic at Elevated Animals, I'm here to help you connect with your Spirit Animal or your pet (living or deceased) to unlock those meaningful insights. Book your session today, and let's start this incredible journey together!


Turtle is an experienced animal communicator with a deep connection to animals, both on this plane and beyond. After retiring from a 30-year career in safety services, Turtle now dedicates her time to bridging the gap between pets and their human companions, whether the animals are here or have passed on. With a lifetime of experience and continued learning, Turtle brings a unique ability to communicate with pets and offer comfort to those grieving. She is passionate about helping people understand the signs from their beloved animals, offering age-appropriate sessions for families and working with all types of pets. Want to work with Turtle? Schedule a session now!


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