Turtle’s Blog
Holiday Series: Giving Thanks to our Pets Daily
As always, I ask you to put yourself in your pet’s point of view. What do you as an animal really want from your human? Well, besides sitting under the children’s table at Thanksgiving dinner where you can beg with cute eyes for all the turkey and mashed potatos you want! Haha
Holiday Series: Pets and Holiday Parties
Give your pet a “safe space” all their own. For a dog its usually their crate/kennel. Make sure it’s in a quiet space where unwanted visitors are not going to disturb or peek in and want to interact (you never know what guests may do…….)
The Dog Leash: An Emotional Cording
A dog leash is a cord that carries emotions and feelings from the human to the dog. Doesn’t matter who is walking the dog, the owner or a dog walker, a child or a trainer. The emotions transferred can be good productive feelings of safety & confidence or not so great emotions of anxiety, sadness or stress. The same concept pertains to humans riding a horse! Horses are even more sensitive than dogs (in my opinion.)
What Wikipedia Can’t Tell You About Spirit Animals
For those of you who love your Spirit Animals or are in search of your Spirit Animals I’ve included characteristics of 4 Spirit Animals and what they could be communicating to you.
Please remember you do not have to be physically present with and animal or physically see your Animal in the wild. You can come across them via books, media, social media, song etc.
Making an End of Life Decision for Your Pet is Never Easy
NO one wants to have a pet die. Unfortunately, they don’t live as long as we want them to. Too often we have to have our veterinarian assist them to pass over the rainbow bridge to the other side. It’s one of the hardest decisions to make and carry out.
I was inspired to write a few tips as my good friend and her husband went through the end of life process last week with their dog.
Many factors go into making a decision for the best life/end of life for your beloved pet. We will look at your pets health and perspective and also you (all family members).
Halloween Week: Angels
There are Angels who specialize in all sorts of human activities and needs. For example, there are mechanical Angels to help repair vehicles, airplanes etc., fashion and wardrobe Angels for those who need assistance with the perfect outfit, navigation Angels for those who may be lost on a trail or a road. You can ask Angels for help with just about anything: healing, recovery, travel, finances, interviews, presentations and the list goes on.
Halloween Week: What is an Entity or Demon?
The demonic beings are here on earth to feed off of human chaos (the world is a little hectic right now) addictions, fear, trauma, riots, war and general negativity. They are very attracted to dark arts, voodoo, satanic rituals, terror of any kind. Again, we have plenty of the above going on these days and the demonic beings are stirring up more!
Halloween Week: What is a Ghost?
I usually write about animal communication in some form. I’m going to go off topic for Halloween week.
A ghost is a soul of a deceased human who has not crossed over to the other side. There are many reasons souls are on the earth plane, their destination should be to get to “the other side”!
How The Wolves Saved Yellowstone
This is a reminder to all of us. We are all interconnected and dependent on each other. Whether it be family, community, city, state, country, continent the world and beyond.
Elevated Animals Spotlight: Hummingbird’s Message of Love
I have noticed Hummingbirds are busy from sunup to sundown. The 5 in my yard disappear into their nests at exactly the moment the sun goes down. As the sun comes up each day Hummingbirds want you to know: “We bring in the promise of a new day filled with endless possibilities and opportunities to follow your heart.”
Love and letting Go: Magical Results
This is a short story of magical results from “letting go” of an outcome, end results, the need for what I wanted and thought I needed (notice the “I” in there- all about me- haha). I’m not implying I’m good at “letting go” it is in fact very hard for me, but for 2 times in a short but long time period, it worked!
Pet Mediumship: What a Pet Medium Is and Is Not
A Pet Medium is a human who can communicate with animals or pets on “the other side” sometimes referenced as “Heaven”. They connect with an animal who has passed over and bring forth messages. A pet medium can receive messages from the other side via visual imagery, sensing emotions/feelings, sounds, smells or auditory messages using words and language.
10 Signs Your Deceased Pet is Trying to Contact You
Pets love their humans and want to show they are watching over you after passing. The signs or signals they communicate with are oftentimes subtle and therefore easy to miss or misinterpret. Many people decide its their imagination or don't know the signs to look for. Being aware of pet spirit communication can help you open up to receiving contact.
Understanding the Differences Between Animal Communication and Pet Mediumship
Animal Communication and Animal Mediumship are similar practices as they both involve communication with animals. In this article we will look at the differences between the two and how both can benefit you and your beloved pets.
Pets and Time: How Does Your Pet Know What Time It Is?
Can your pet tell time? Is it fascinating to you that your dog knows exactly when his/her walk time is? For example, they show up at your side with leash in mouth at exactly 4:00PM everyday rain or shine! How do they know what time it is? In this article we look at markers of time from an animals perspective and how we may best communicate time to them.
Do Our Pets Express Sadness or Grief Over a Loss?
Do our pets express sadness or grief over a loss? Learn the reasoning behind why a pet may experience these emotions from an Animal Communicator.
Is Your Pet Talking to You? 8 Pet Psychic Signs by an Animal Communicator
Discover 8 pet psychic signs showing how your pet communicates with you. Learn everyday and telepathic signals from an experienced animal communicator.
What does an Animal Communicator, Empath and Medium hear, see, feel from the outside world?
I can only speak for myself, but I know many empaths, mediums, sensitive people have similar experiences. It can be challenging on a daily basis to have “gifts” or “superpowers”!
Is Big Foot an Animal, mystical creature, alien or pure hoax?
Have you ever considered Big Foot to be an alien species? I have channeled information from my extraterrestrial friend out in space. Are you ready to think way outside the box?
Spirit Animals: guides and messengers….Do I have one?
Spirit Animals play different roles throughout your life. You may have one or you may have many! You can live anywhere, be any age, have any religious beliefs you wish, you can have any occupation, and connect with your Spirit Animal.