What Wikipedia Can’t Tell You About Spirit Animals
For those of you who love your Spirit Animals or are in search of your Spirit Animals I’ve included characteristics of 4 Spirit Animals and what they could be communicating to you!
Anyone can call in their Spirit Animals. Spirit Animals can offer comfort, suggestions, steer you in the correct direction, show you your power, align you with nature are just a few examples. Each animal has specific traits that we can connect with.
Please remember you do not have to be physically present with and animal or physically see your Animal in the wild. You can come across them via books, media, social media, song etc.
Hawk is a messenger. Urging you to look at life’s signs and signals carefully. Hawk may show up in your life when you are ready for your “soul purpose” or can bring in messages leading you to your “soul purpose”. Hawks tend to stay Spirit Guides and messengers for the duration of their human’s life once they enter.
Dolphin swims into your life to remind you to BREATHE! We all need to breathe, are you holding your breath? Do you want to start a breath practice? For a few of you maybe you are divers or swimmers and want to learn to HOLD your breath longer……call on Dolphin.
Dolphins are of great intelligence and have curiosity about new and different things they see. Be curious about your life, open your breath up and it will open your world.
Tiger is all about claiming one’s power, asserting power and knowing your own power! So many of the Big Cats are about power and using it correctly. Tigers are nocturnal so pay attention to your dreams (daydreams and nighttime dreams!) As a Spirit Animal, Tiger urges us to take more adventures to create new passions in life and for life!
I’m really into hummingbirds right now, as I have 7 flying around my yard daily. They are fascinating to watch! Hummingbird as Spirt Animal is all about joy, love and opening your heart center. They are the only birds who can fly forwards, backwards, up, down and hover in place. They can help you accomplish what may seem to be an impossible task or journey. Call on Hummingbird to show you the way! Tiny but mighty birds!
Spirit Animals play different roles throughout your life. You may have one or you may have many! You can live anywhere, be any age, have any religious beliefs you wish, you can have any occupation and connect with your Spirit Animal. To read tips on connecting with your Spirit Animal click here.
Thanks for reading, I’ll be back with more Spirit Animal messages in the future!