Halloween Week: What is a Ghost?

Ghost walking by lake at sunset


I usually write about animal communication in some form.  I’m going to deviate and go off topic for Halloween week …

What is a Ghost?

A ghost is a soul of a deceased human who has not crossed over to the other side.  There are many reasons souls are on the earth plane, their destination should be to get to “the other side”! 

  • Some souls who are “Stuck” on the earth plane experienced a traumatic type of death.  They might be in shock or not understand why they died. 

  • Many ghosts are souls who hold deep beliefs and are afraid they may be chastised or punished for their actions or for “sins” committed while alive and fear punishment from Source, The Creator, God, Higher Power, the Angels etc.       

  • Some just can’t physically “see the light” or see their Angels and need to be shown the way to the other side.  

  •  Souls have been known to be kept on the earth plane by loved one’s emotional cording’s or emotional ties. 

There are countless reasons a soul may stay on the earth plane.  They don’t belong on the earth plane and need to go Home to “the other side” .


Ghost in old mansion

How do you know when a ghost is nearby?

One definite sign a ghost is near is the temperature drops, it gets COLD!  The room gets cold, you feel cold, you can see your breath.  They can’t hide the cold phenomenon.   Some ghosts like to show themselves others do not.  They are translucent looking and not solid in form.  They don’t walk like a human; they float or glide about 3-6 feet above the ground. 

The veil between worlds on Halloween:

I don’t know if it’s an urban myth, old wives’ tale or truth, but some say the veil between our world/dimension and the world/dimension a ghost appears in is very thin on Halloween.  This may be true, but I also believe that ghosts are attracted to all the Halloween Festivities, spooky costumes, Haunted Houses, Scream Zones, sugar highs and everything scary and/or associated with Halloween.  So, YES, there may be more paranormal activity around Halloween!



There are real Ghostbusters out there!  If you have an issue with a ghost…they really should not be on the earth plane, it’s time for them to go home to the other side!  I recommend calling up Jerry & Dean with Angel Teams Healing.   I’ve been learning from Jerry & Dean for over 15 years!   They can work with you and get that ghost to the other side and anything else dark and scary floating around!


Stay tuned for Halloween week’s next article on Demons!


Turtle is an experienced animal communicator with a deep connection to animals, both on this plane and beyond. After retiring from a 30-year career in safety services, Turtle now dedicates her time to bridging the gap between pets and their human companions, whether the animals are here or have passed on. With a lifetime of experience and continued learning, Turtle brings a unique ability to communicate with pets and offer comfort to those grieving. She is passionate about helping people understand the signs from their beloved animals, offering age-appropriate sessions for families and working with all types of pets. Want to work with Turtle? Schedule a session now!


Halloween Week: What is an Entity or Demon?


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