Halloween Week: What is an Entity or Demon?

Entity or demon


I usually write about animal communication in some form.  I’m going to go off topic for Halloween week and keep this rather PG or PG-13.

What is a Demon?

A Demonic being is something you don’t want to mess with!  I hope you never see, hear, feel or encounter one in any way shape or form!  They are prevalent on the earth plane and seek us out and intermingle with us! YIKES!

A demonic being is a being of darkness.  Humans generally can’t see them, but they can see us!  They enter the earth plane through dimensional portals (doorways between dimensions).  They are not supposed to be walking the earth plane among us!

They are all shapes, sizes, and forms. I’m not going to go into great detail here, I’ll let your creative brain bring up a scary image!  Some can change forms or appear to be what they are not!  Some are tiny enough to hide in an earring and whisper horrible thoughts in your ear that seep into your brain!  Some are big ugly monsters.  They are all evil!

Why are they here?

The demonic beings are here on earth to feed off of human chaos (the world is a little hectic right now) addictions, fear, trauma, riots, war and general negativity.  They are very attracted to dark arts, voodoo, satanic rituals, terror of any kind.   Again, we have plenty of the above going on these days and the demonic beings are stirring up more!


The Exorcist movie 1973

A large problem is they like to attach on to humans.  When that happens you really have a serious issue!  I have heard stories of soldiers returning home from overseas with a demonic being attached to them making their life hell!  There are many movies I could site, probably the most well-known is the 1973 movie The Exorcist.  That movie is an example of a demonic being in a human body. Terrifying 50 years later!


The veil between worlds on Halloween:

I don’t know if it’s an urban myth, old wives’ tale or truth, but some say the veil between our world/dimension and the dimensions a demon lives is very thin on Halloween.  This may be true, but I also believe that demonic beings are attracted to all the Halloween Festivities, spooky costumes, Haunted Houses, Scream Zones, sugar highs and everything scary and/or associated with Halloween.  So, YES, unfortunately, there may be more demonic activity around Halloween!

How to break free:

There are real demons out there!  If you have an problem with a demon…they really should not be on the earth plane, it’s time to call a specialist, I’m serious!  I recommend calling up Jerry & Dean of Angel Teams Healing.   I’ve been learning from Jerry & Dean for over 15 years!   They can work with you and get that demonic being away from you and it won’t come back!


Stay tuned for Halloween week’s next article on Angels to balance out the 2 scary articles!


Turtle is an experienced animal communicator with a deep connection to animals, both on this plane and beyond. After retiring from a 30-year career in safety services, Turtle now dedicates her time to bridging the gap between pets and their human companions, whether the animals are here or have passed on. With a lifetime of experience and continued learning, Turtle brings a unique ability to communicate with pets and offer comfort to those grieving. She is passionate about helping people understand the signs from their beloved animals, offering age-appropriate sessions for families and working with all types of pets. Want to work with Turtle? Schedule a session now!


Halloween Week: Angels


Halloween Week: What is a Ghost?