What does an Animal Communicator, Empath and Medium hear, see, feel from the outside world?
I can only speak for myself, but I know many empaths, mediums, sensitive people have similar experiences. It can be challenging on a daily basis to have “gifts” or “superpowers”!
What is an Empath?
An Empath is someone who feels what is going on around them in terms of other humans and animals, moods, emotions, negativity, negative intentions, chaos. Empaths can also feel locations or places that hold intense emotions like a house or some land. If I am not careful, I can be overwhelmed and stressed out especially indoors. It’s even harder to have to shake hands or touch someone when I am not prepared to do so.
The positive side of being an empath:
It’s like having a built-in lie detector and creep meter!
I can feel if it’s a good time to approach someone to ask for something or have a conversation.
I can usually tell if someone is lying to me, I don’t always call them out on it, but I can tell.
I like to feel what an animal is feeling when I talk to them, or they tell me a story or show me some injury or pain they are having.
As an Animal Communicator what do I feel?
Do I walk down the street and hear every animal’s thoughts and are they talking to me or paying attention to me? NO! Sometimes they recognize I can hear them, or “see” them differently. Occasionally they want to talk and insist on talking. Most of the time it’s just a nice recognition and eye contact from the animal or a pleasant energy exchange. For example, the other day a dog at the beach ran over to me, gave me a doggy kiss (I was sitting down) and ran back to its owner- who was shocked at the interaction.
I do enjoy tapping in and talking to pets and helping pets and their humans communicate. That is fun and being of service. In an Animal Communication Session with a live animal, I can:
Hear what they are telling me
Feel what they want me to feel (pain, happiness, upset tummy etc.)
See images in my brain of what they want to show me (toys, food, places, people, things, events)
Every animal communicates differently.
What is a Medium?
A medium is someone who can see, hear, communicate with other beings on the other side/Heaven. People or animals who have passed/died.
Think of the movie The Sixth Sense. The young boy in the movie sees dead people all the time. This is a very accurate portrayal of my childhood, and it was and can still be startling and a little crazy to “see dead people”. I ultimately choose not to. I do enjoy connecting humans to their beloved pets that have crossed over. This is peaceful and heartwarming!
When I talk with a pet who has passed over:
The pet genuinely wants their human to feel and know they are connecting
The pet will usually give signs or signals that they are trying to contact their human.
Pets usually watch over their human from the other side.
Many times, pets bring in a new pet to the household and help “train” the new pet.
Pets on the other side really want their human to know how much they love their human unconditionally, no matter where they are!
Pets ultimately like to reassure or teach their human(s) that death is a part of life, and they will share info about their passing to ease any human guilt or lessen the grief.
Being an Empath or Medium can be very challenging, but I have learned to use my gifts to guide me through life. Please note the above examples are only my experiences, they are not all Empath or Mediums experience.
Empaths are all around us, you may never know…..
If you have an Empath in your life; be sensitive to their feelings and reactions when out in public. Especially in a crowded auditorium, a waiting room filled with nervous people (this includes the veterinary office), standing in a long line with impatient people and any hospital or emergency room can be very challenging for empaths. The feelings are real, and it can be very overwhelming. Best practices are understanding what you are walking into or removing self or empath from overwhelming situations and learning how to set up boundaries or I like to call it set up a “force field”!
Go set up YOUR force field and move through life with ease!