Is Your Pet Talking to You? 8 Pet Psychic Signs by an Animal Communicator

woman petting her golden retriever dog, communicating with pet psychic signs

Animals give us countless signs and signals when they want or need something. Maybe they don't need their toy, but they do want it now! You don’t need to be a certified Animal Communicator or Pet Psychic to understand some of their communications. However, there are subtle ways our pets may communicate with us on a deeper level beyond the obvious.

Understanding these pet psychic signs can enhance your connection with your pet, helping you build a stronger bond. Let’s explore some of the most common ways pets communicate with us, both through actions and energy.

5 Animal Communications Everyone Should Learn

Recognizing the everyday ways your pets are already talking to you is important. These common forms of communication are things you’ve likely noticed but may not have realized the full meaning behind them. Here are five key examples:

1. The Food Stare

Are you in the kitchen or near food? Your pet doesn’t necessarily need to eat, but they’re giving you that classic look—head tilted, eyes wide, trying their best to "work it." They're acting cute or extra well-behaved to get what they want. It's a form of communication as clear as words.

2. Excitement for Their Favorite Human

Ever notice how your dog runs to the door the second you pull into the driveway? Or how your parrot whistles when you come home? Maybe your horse pricks its ears as you walk up to the barn. These are all ways your pets acknowledge their favorite humans. It’s their version of saying, “Hey, you’re here! I’m happy to see you!”

3. The Ball Drop

An obvious form of dog communication is when they drop a ball at your feet, give you that pleading look, or bring you the leash. This action clearly says, “It’s playtime!” Whether it’s the ball, a nudge with their nose, or simply sitting patiently near you, your dog is communicating their desire for fun and connection.

4. The Early Morning Wake-Up Call

Does your cat walk all over you at 4 a.m.? This isn’t just an annoying habit—it’s communication! Whether hungry or want outside, they know exactly how to get your attention and aren’t afraid to use it.

5. The Delivery Truck Alert

Does your dog go wild when the UPS truck rolls by? Whether they love or hate the delivery person, this is your dog’s way of letting you know something important (to them) is happening. Some dogs are excited for a treat from their UPS friend, while others are on high alert, ready to protect their home. Either way, they’re clearly communicating.

While these examples might seem obvious, they serve as a reminder that communication between you and your pet happens all the time—even in ways you may not realize.


Pet Psychic Signs: Nonverbal and Telepathic Communication

Beyond these everyday signals, animals are incredibly intuitive and sensitive. In some cases, their communication may go beyond physical actions to include nonverbal or telepathic signs. As a pet psychic, I’ve seen how pets can sense and respond to our emotions, often in ways that may surprise you.

3 Signs Our Pets Are Using Nonverbal Communication

Pets don’t always need to make a sound or perform an action to communicate with us. Sometimes, it’s about the energy they give off or how they respond to our moods and emotions. Here are three signs that your pet might be communicating with you on a deeper, psychic level:

1. Emotional Awareness

Pets can sense your emotions—whether you're happy, sad, or stressed. If you're feeling angry, your pet might tiptoe around you or avoid you altogether. They don’t understand why you're upset, but they definitely pick up on your energy and may even believe they’re at fault.

2. Instinct to Protect

If you’re sick or injured, your pet knows it. They may refuse to leave your side, acting as a protector or comforter. Whether it’s a dog curling up next to you or a cat purring on your lap, this is their way of saying, “I’m here for you.”

3. Unlikely Connections

Have you ever noticed how a cat will sit on the lap of the one person in the room who doesn’t like cats? This is more than just bad luck—it’s an intuitive connection. Cats often sense the energy of those who need comfort, even if that person doesn’t realize it. It’s their own special kind of “cat magic.”

Understanding the Deeper Connection

These pet psychic signs show us that communication goes far beyond the obvious. When we pay attention to our pet's behavior, body language, and even their energy, we can pick up on the more profound messages they’re sending us.

It’s not just about the food stare, the excited bark at the delivery truck, or the pouty look they give you when you pull out your phone for a photo op. It’s about the bond we share and the mutual understanding that grows when we truly listen—verbally, nonverbally, and psychically.

Conclusion: Are You Noticing Pet Psychic Signs?

We’re all animal communicators in our own ways. Every day, our pets are talking to us—through actions, emotions, and energy. Take a moment to reflect on how many times a day you communicate with your pet. You might be surprised at the number of conversations you have without even realizing it!

If you’re ready to dive deeper into these communications and unlock the full potential of your bond with your pet, I’m here to help. As an experienced Animal Communicator with Elevated Animals, I can guide you and your pet through understanding these deeper psychic connections.

Book Your Pet Psychic Reading Today

Book a session today if you’re curious about pet psychic signs and want to connect and strengthen your relationship with your pet, no matter the species! Let’s discover what your pet has been trying to tell you.

Not sure what to expect from a reading? Click here to get a deeper understanding and settle your uncertainties.


Turtle is an experienced animal specialist with a deep connection to animals. After retiring from a 30-year career in safety services, she now dedicates her time to bridging the gap between pets and their human companions and supporting K9s with Police and Military units. With a lifetime of experience and continued learning, she has developed a unique ability to communicate with animals and their neurologic/energetic systems. Passionate about helping people recognize signs from their beloved animals, she provides age-appropriate sessions for families. While she specializes in working with law enforcement and military K9 units, she loves working with all animals and pets.

Want to work with Turtle? Schedule a session now!

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