10 Signs Your Deceased Pet is Trying to Contact You

Deceased pet trying to contact you


Pets enter our lives with unconditional love.  We create strong bonds with love, everyday interactions and living with each other.  Once our pets pass over to the other side they choose to watch over us and help us from the other side.  Recognizing that your pet is visiting you or contacting you from the other side can help us humans feel comfort, ease grief and realize the bond or connection we have with our pets  transcend space and time.  In this article we will be going over 10 signs your pet is trying to contact you!


The Power of the Bond

People share deep emotional and spiritual connections with their pets.  These connections build over time through living together, sharing experiences, love, laugher, tears, all the emotions we feel on a daily basis our pets share with us.   This bond continues even after a pet’s physical passing.


Common Signs of Pet Spirit Contact

Pets love their humans and want to show they are watching over you after passing.  The signs or signals they communicate with are oftentimes subtle and therefore easy to miss or misinterpret. Many people decide its their imagination or don't know the signs to look for.  Being aware of pet spirit communication can help you open up to receiving contact.


1. Sensing Their Presence

Many of us swear we can feel our deceased pet lean on our leg like they used to or  brush up against us.  Trust your feelings of your pet being nearby, this is your pet contacting you they are sharing a feeling you both recognize! 

2. Hearing Familiar Sounds

Have you ever known for sure you just heard your dog walk down the hall, the nails on the floor or a dog barked in your yard and it sounded just like your dog who passed over.  Or maybe you just heard your cat “ask for food” in that certain urgent  tone!  This is real and they are contacting you using familiar sounds you recognize! 

3. Smelling Their Scent

Pet spirits may manifest through a distinct smell they send you.  For example, you could be sitting at your desk working on your computer and you get a faint or distinct barn or horse feed smell.  As there is no barn at your house!  The barn smell may stir up emotions, but it's your horse (who has passed over) getting your attention and saying “hi” !

4. Dream Visitations

We easily dismiss our dreams of pets who have passed, but wait!  They are showing you they are happy and healthy.  When you wake, don't be sad, be happy and excited you received the message!

5. Objects Moving or Misplaced

Pets like to make a statement and they will move objects, usually objects they recognize or are familiar to them.  For example, there might be a ball in your backyard UNDER the tree.  When you walk out into the back yard the next morning the ball is by the back door……..NOT a ghost…..this was your dog having some fun from the other side, paying you a visit!   

6. Feeling Unexplained Comfort

While they are with us in life, pets provide comfort and love.   They know when an extra snuggle or wet kiss may make you happy or laugh.  Once a pet passes over it's no different and the comfort may come from nowhere but always at the right moment.  Know this is your beloved pet looking out for you from the other side, similar to an Angel.



Humming bird greeting its human friend

7. Seeing Signs in Nature

Did your cat watch the hummingbird feeder with keen interest through the window everyday?  Once your cat passed, there seems to be one hummingbird that greets you everyday at your front door!  This is a sign from your cat using something in nature!  Your pet will most likely choose something you like or they like, be on the lookout.  A couple examples are: feathers, leaves, animals, birds or insects. What are you constantly seeing in nature?

8. Receiving Messages Through Other Animals

Your current pets or animals around you might behave in ways that remind you of your deceased pet.   This just happened in my life.  My working K-9 just started lightly pawing me repeatedly in the exact same manner as my recently deceased King Charles Spaniel used to lightly paw me to get my attention.  This is not a mannerism my working K-9 was taught, nor does she do anything THAT dainty or lightly!  I knew my King Charles Spaniel was communicating through her or with her/us!  Brought a big smile to my face!!!

9. Flickering Lights or Electrical Disturbances

Random lights flickering, TVs turning on/off, the car radio goes silent for a moment, are often seen as spiritual communication.   Pets on the other side may try to get your attention this way!  If this is too “haunted house like” for you, tell your pet…..thank them but ask for a different sign they are visiting.

10. Finding Physical Evidence (Paw Prints, Fur)

If you have or had a pet in the house you know what a “fur ball or fur bunny” is… the small (or big) ball shaped fur and dust on the floor.  The “fur bunnies” like to hide in corners and under the couch but can move around.  In this example, your house does not currently have a pet (they have passed over)  to create a “fur bunny”  yet you find one in the middle of the hall?  And NO this was not hidden under the couch- haha.  This is your pet leaving a little sign.  You have to laugh!


Girl spending time in nature to connect with deceased pet

How to Stay Open to Contact

Grieving the loss of a pet can be painful.  Your pets are watching over you and want to help you.  Stay open to receiving signs and signals from them.  Tips for being open to receiving communication: meditating, asking for signs, taking time for yourself, spending time in nature, or giving your friend’s pet some attention.   Embracing signs of pet spirit contact can bring in emotional healing during grieving; but also joy and happiness throughout your life.  My childhood dog still visits me in dreams, always a joy to see her in dreamtime!



Be mindful of your pets presence and perseverance in getting your attention!  They are contacting you and sending your signs in so many ways: familiar sounds, unexpected comfort, signs from nature, showing up in our dreams are popular ways our pets show up but there are so many more signs and signals.

Share your experiences with pet spirit contact in the comments below!  

If you are ready to dive deeper into pet spirit communications and unlock the full potential of your bond with your pet on the other side, I'm here to help.  As an experienced Pet Medium with Elevated Animals, I can guide you through understanding your pet’s spirit communications.

Not sure what to expect from a reading? Click here to get a deeper understanding and settle your uncertainties.




Turtle is an experienced animal communicator with a deep connection to animals, both on this plane and beyond. After retiring from a 30-year career in safety services, Turtle now dedicates her time to bridging the gap between pets and their human companions, whether the animals are here or have passed on. With a lifetime of experience and continued learning, Turtle brings a unique ability to communicate with pets and offer comfort to those grieving. She is passionate about helping people understand the signs from their beloved animals, offering age-appropriate sessions for families and working with all types of pets. Want to work with Turtle? Schedule a session now!


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