Pet Mediumship: What a Pet Medium Is and Is Not
What is a Pet Medium?
A Pet Medium is a human who can communicate with animals or pets on “the other side” sometimes referenced as “Heaven”. They connect with an animal who has passed over and bring forth messages. A pet medium can receive messages from the other side via visual imagery, sensing emotions/feelings, sounds, smells or auditory messages using words and language.
I have found when communicating with animals on the other side, they usually want to share information. BUT… they want to share what THEY feel is important for their human to know or understand. The information the animal/pet wants to share may not align with what the human is dead set on finding out. This does not mean the message is wrong or the wrong animal was contacted. It is what the animal WANTS to share. Keep in mind sometimes it’s a profound message sometimes it’s fun and light.
Some animals/pets will refuse to speak of their death or passing. As it may not be important to THEM. Animals view death as stage of life and don’t think about it or worry about it like some humans might. Almost all pets want to make sure their human knows they are fine, safe, and in no pain on the other side. You can read about signs and signals pets are communicating from the other side here.
Pet mediumship is not a party game, it’s not fair to ask your pet medium for the name of the dog at the dog park your dog liked to play with or if they can go get Uncle Bob so you can say hi. The information that comes through from your pet should make sense to you and be evidence enough. If not, stop the session and re-evaluate or ask for a refund right then and there. Mistakes happen pet mediums are human, and we live in an imperfect world!
I understand it’s hard to trust the odd or intangible skill set of Mediumship. I suggest doing some research or talking to some Animal Communicators or Pet Mediums. Reflect on who you may be drawn to or who aligns with your thought process. It’s important you feel connected to your pet through your pet medium.
Concluding thoughts from pets on the other side:
· Pets WANT to talk to their humans and offer comfort
· Pets many times will have their own agenda of what they want to share and may not answer all your questions directly.
· Pets love their humans unconditionally on the earth plane and beyond
· Many times, pets will share how they are visiting their humans from the other side. Read here for 10 signs your pet may be contacting you from the other side.
· Pets want their humans to know they are safe, pain free and with friends while on the other side.