Do Our Pets Express Sadness or Grief Over a Loss?

Grieving Irish Setter dog, looking sad

Our Pets feel emotions. Pets expressing sadness and grief are common.  There are many reasons a pet may grieve a loss.  Let’s look at some reasons a pet may grieve and the ways in which they do.   Just like human grief, there is no time limit on grieving a loss and every human and pet handles it differently.   We want to be able to recognize the signs and offer support. 

Reasons Why a Pet Might be Expressing Grief

A pet may express for grief for various reasons. Read on to learn more!

Loss of an Animal in the Household, Another “Family Member” 

Even if the animals were not close or seemed to have a neutral attitude toward each other, the loss is still felt.    Maybe there is no one to chase up the stairs or compete with for affection.  The empty void is felt.  The grief is even stronger when the pets were bonded or been together since they were young.

Loss of a Human

The loss of a caregiver or favorite human can bring on grief.  This does not have to be a death, this includes a family member moving out of the house,  the favorite dog walker moving away, a teen in the family leaving the house and going to college. 

Loss of Home

Moving can cause grief for a pet (including confusion and possible behavior issues.)  Their routine has been interrupted, smells, sights, yard or lack of yard, temperature changes all can bring on grief.   Animals adapt but they may be longing for their familiar old home.

Loss of an Animal Friend

Especially for dogs or horses, the friends they make are important.  Again this can be a horse relocating to a new barn, a dog park play pal moving away, it includes death but doesn’t have to.

Pet cat showing grief and sadness


How Do Pets Express Grief?  5 Behaviors Pets Show When Expressing Grief

Pets may or may not communicate the behaviors listed, as every being expresses grief differently.

Loss of Appetite

Just like some humans, some animals just don’t want to eat when sadness overwhelms them.  

Excessive Sleep

Yes many animals sleep a lot, especially when they are senior in age.  I’m talking about a young vibrant pet who chooses to sleep all day and all night.  This can be productive as they may be processing the grief as they sleep.  I refer to this as a type of emotional hibernation.

Being “Clingy” or Never Leaving Your Side

Some pets may need some extra love and attention and just knowing you are not leaving too.  They can become extra clingy to the other animals in the household as well.

Looking for their deceased friend (animal or human.)

Animals accept death and view it as a life stage.  Yet they may still “look” for their friend even though they know and understand that pet or human passed over, especially upon waking in the morning or waking up from a nap while in the half sleep, half-awake stage and just getting moving.

Behavior Issues

These are never fun, have patience and compassion for the emotions exhibited. For example, a dogs sudden reactivity to other dogs or people can be your dog expressing anger. Cats have been known to NOT use the litter box to express their emotions. Pets Inability to focus on training and just plain old ignoring recall or basic asks. Please don’t ignore your pets acting out and treat it as communication asking for help. Working with an Animal Communicator or a trainer to help understand and correct behavior issues could benefit everyone!


Animals can express grief in ways similar to humans. Remember, they are sensitive to your emotions! If you are grieving the loss of a pet they will know and feel your grief as well as theirs. Its healthy to grieve. Be a leader and show your pet(s) it’s good to feel the emotions and feel the grief of loss, while you continue to love and care for them! Grieve together and make time to grieve separately, it’s a different process for every being on earth. 

Are you and/or your pet(s) grieving the loss of a pet? As an Animal Communicator and Pet Medium at Elevated Animals, I’m here to help you and your pet(s) here and on the other side.  I can help unlock meaningful insights to ease grief for you and your pet(s) by connecting you with a pet who has passed, bringing in direct messages to you from your pet on the other side. Book your session today, and let’s start this magical journey together!


Turtle is an experienced animal specialist with a deep connection to animals. After retiring from a 30-year career in safety services, she now dedicates her time to bridging the gap between pets and their human companions and supporting K9s with Police and Military units. With a lifetime of experience and continued learning, she has developed a unique ability to communicate with animals and their neurologic/energetic systems. Passionate about helping people recognize signs from their beloved animals, she provides age-appropriate sessions for families. While she specializes in working with law enforcement and military K9 units, she loves working with all animals and pets.

Want to work with Turtle? Schedule a session now!

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